Thursday, January 14, 2010

HIV Pricks!!!

So far people have killed others by direct violence. But recently we have seen the trend towards a more dangerous Biological Warfare also abbreviated as BW.
People are becoming more sadistic these days than ever before. Lately there has been news of people getting pricked by needles in cinema theaters. These S.O.Bs hide the HIV infected needles in the public chairs and seats. They sometimes even have the tag saying "Welcome to HIV family" on it.
Those of you who are reading this blog please be careful while sitting at public places and spread this information to your friends and your loved ones. Give a thorough check of the seats before resting your arse on it. This is probably just the start of it. If people continue like this, we will soon have to be careful with what we breathe!
If any HIV patient with this kind of attitude is reading this then remember that these kinds of acts will make us look down at HIV patients. Stop making the life difficult for others and if you still don't get it right then SCREW YOURSELF...

1 comment:

  1. It is good that you posted it up !! .... its an important notice ! :)
